Help for Dental Anxiety

We know that a trip to the dentist can cause a lot of anxiety. Rest assured that we are here to make your visit as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Our office environment is clean, friendly, welcoming, and relaxed.

Where Does Dental Anxiety Come From?

Patients may have dental anxiety for a wide variety of reasons. Many of our patients have had a difficult childhood experience at the dentist that has prevented them from seeking care. It may be that you suffer from a generalized anxiety or mood disorder, and dental anxiety is just an unpleasant extension of your condition. Or it may simply stem from a feeling that you are not in control of what’s happening.

What Can Cameo Dental Do to Help?

Fortunately, we have extensive experience working with fearful patients. There are a wide variety of methods and treatments available to help alleviate dental anxiety and reduce pain.

Effective Pain Management

Especially for those who have had traumatic childhood dental experiences, it is important to remember that management of dental pain has come a long way. We will recommend an individually tailored combination of local anesthetics and pain medications to keep you comfortable and virtually pain-free before, during, and after your dental procedure.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

We offer nitrous oxide sedation in each of our treatment rooms. Nitrous oxide (sometimes referred to as “laughing gas”) is a safe and effective sedative gas that is mixed with oxygen. The patient inhales the gas through a small mask that fits over their nose. Nitrous oxide sedation helps many patients to feel calm and comfortable during dental treatment. While it’s okay if you’d like to take a snooze, nitrous oxide sedation is not intended to put you to sleep. You will still be able to hear and respond to your dentist’s instructions. While its effects are slightly different for everyone, patient’s typically feel a little “floaty”, and some patients experience a slight tingling or heaviness in their arms and legs. Ultimately it should make you feel relaxed and at-ease. The effects of the gas wear off quickly once it is turned off and the mask is removed. Since it is eliminated from your body within a few minutes, you are able to drive home after nitrous oxide sedation.

Prescription Medications

For some patients with severe anxiety, we may consider a prescription medication. This will be determined after a careful review of your medical history and dental treatment needs. Note that some prescription medications may require that you have someone to drive you to and from your dental appointment.

The Little Things

At your request, we can also provide headphones, chapstick, sunglasses, a comfy pillow, or a warm blanket. Whatever it takes to keep you comfortable.

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